Enter property details like square footage, number of bathrooms, home age, and overall quality to get instant price predictions.
Enter relevant property information such as square footage, number of baths, home age, and overall quality.
Our machine learning model will compare the information provided to thousands of real estate listings and provide you with an accurate price predicition
Users can use this price estimate to make better informed decisions when it comes to buying a home.
Meet our team of brilliant senior Computer Scientists. Kameron Bolam, a professional bowler and automation engineer, is the head of Frontend Development, Planning, and Cloud Deployment Manager. Holden Davis, , is Head of Backend Development, Machine Learning Engineer and Developer, and Cloud Deployment Manager. Stuart Cohen, resident DJ and future software engineer, is a Frontend Developer and Cloud Deployment Manager. Thomas O’Sullivan, U.S Army veteran, is Project Manager, Head of Machine Learning Research and Development. Andrew DiCuirci, future Air Force Officer and lego enthusiast, is a Frontend Developer. Andrew King, intramural soccer tryhard and future software engineer, is a Backend Developer.
Computer Science | Senior
Computer Science | Senior
Computer Science | Junior
Computer Science | Senior
Computer Science | Senior
Computer Science | Senior